The free music forum concert series is a project of
the cultural association free music forum, Vienna (AT).
* Programme 2024 *
scroll down for concert details
Franz Hautzinger - Zsolt Sőrés - Kazuhisa Uchihashi (AT/HU/JP)
(trumpet/viola, electr./e-guitar, daxophone)
Rieko Okuda - Antti Virtaranta (JP/FI)
(piano, viola / double bass)
Rob Mazurek - Gabriele Mitelli (US/IT)
(piccolo trumpet, voc., electr./ piccolo trumpet, voc., electr.)
* to be announced *
Axel Dörner - Tomaž Grom (DE/SI)
(trumpet / double bass, el.)
Mona Matbou Riahi - Camila Nebbia (IR/AR)
(clarinet, saxophone)
Doors 19h / Concerts ca. 20:15h
Tickets (cash only): 15 Euro / 10 Euro*
*Ask for a reduced ticket price at the entrance if you need financial support.
We have a few low price tickets for every concert.
location: celeste
Hamburgerstr. 18, 1050 Vienna (AT)
(U4 Kettenbrückengasse or U4 Pilgramgasse)
Franz Hautzinger - trumpet
Zsolt Sőrés - viola, electronics
Kazuhisa Uchihashi - e-guitar, daxophone
"Franz Hautzinger, Zsolt Sőrés und Kazuhisa Uchihashi bilden ein Trio, das schon viele Reisen unternommen und musikalische Entwicklungen durchwandert hat. Sőrés ist ein interdisziplinärer Künstler und Musiker, der mit Lautpoesie und nichtidiomatischer Improvisationsmusik begonnen hatte und seit 20 Jahren immer wieder mit verschiedenen Musiker:innen der internationalen Improvisationsszene kollaboriert. Kazuhisa Uchihashi ist international bekannt für seine kreative und feingliedrig experimentelle Klanggestaltung mittels E-Gitarre und dem speziellen, von Hans Reichel entwickelten Daxophon. Gemeinsam mit Franz Hautzinger und seinem experimentellen Trompetenspiel nehmen sie uns mit auf eine abwechslungsreiche, experimentelle Klangreise."
Kuratiert von Franz Hautzinger
"Franz Hautzinger, Zsolt Sőrés and Kazuhisa Uchihashi are a trio that has been traveling a lot and experienced many musical developments. Zsolt Söres is an interdisciplinary artist and musician who startet with sound poetry and non-idiomatic improvisation and is performing since 20 years with musicians from the improvisation community. Kazuhisa Uchihashi is international renowned for his creative and filigree experimental sound performance on e-guitar and with the special daxophone, developed by Hans Reichel. Together with Franz Hautzinger and his experimental trumpet play they will take us on a varied experimental sound journey."
Curated by Franz Hautzinger
Franz Hautzinger plays quarter-tone trumpet and is one of the prominent experimental musicians of Austria. His play is minimalistic and abstract. Hautzinger creates unique sound and noise expressions combining them to fascinating soundscapes with an effect close to electronic music. He worked with many musicians from the international avant-gard, like Elliot Sharp, John Cale but also with Christian Fennesz und Keiji Haino.
Zolt Sőrés from Budapest works as soloist and composer. In early years - after his study in literature - he played in groups like Spiritus Noister, SoKaPaNaSz, Mesékstb somewhere between non-idiomatic improvisation and sound poetry. He performs with musicians like Ernő Király, Franz Hautzinger, Adam Bohman, Jean-Michel Van Schouwburg, Jean-Hervé Péron, Christian Kobi, Hilary Jeffery, Rudi Fischerlehner, Anla Courtis
Kazuhisa Uchihashi grew up in Japan and lives since decades in Europe. He always was dedicated to experiment with devices to expand the sound possibilities on his e-guitar. He also expanded the tools for the special daxophone instrument which he is using often in his performances. Uchihashi plays/played with musicians like Hans Reichel, Fred Frith, Shelly Hirsch, Yoshida Tatsuya, Noid, Tamara Wilhelm, Richard Barrett, Liz Allbee.
Rieko Okuda - piano, viola
Antti Virtaranta - double bass
"Das Projekt VO ist ein Berliner Duo, das die Fäden in der Hand hält. Rieko Okuda (Klavier) und Antti Virtaranta (Kontrabass) sind nicht nur durch die Welt der Strings und ihrer Theorien verbunden, sondern auch durch die positive und integrative Unterwelt des kreativen Berlin. Durch eine tiefe Treue und offene Ohren geht ihr Sound auf tiefgründige Reisen wie auf einer Geisterbahn von Japan über die USA nach Finnland. Klavier und Kontrabass werden manchmal durch Bratsche und Elektronik ergänzt, die ihren gebrochenen Rhythmen und ihrem wiederholenden, zylindrischen Improvisationsansatz flüchtige Texturen hinzufügen."
Kuratiert von Antonio Borghini & Joel Grip
"Project VO is a duo based in Berlin pulling the strings. Rieko Okuda (piano) and Antti Virtaranta (double bass) are connected by the strings and the theories about it - but also by the positive and integrative underground of the creative Berlin. With deep trust and open ears their sound travels deep like a ghost train from Japan to the USA and to Finnland. To their approach of broken rhythms, repeating and cylindrical improvisation they add sometimes elusive textures using also viola and electronics."
Curated by Antonio Borghini & Joel Grip
Rieko Okuda is a pianist and a composer from Japan. She began to play classical music at the age of 3 and moved as grown up to the USA to study jazz. She fell right into the jazz scene there, and started a couple of years later with improvised music and performed with well known musicians like Marshall Allen, Elliott Levine and Calvin Weston. Her desire to expand her voice in improvised and electronic music brought her to move to Berlin in 2011. She met various artists and plays/ed since for example with the musicians Silke Eberhard, Tobias Delius, Axel Dörner, Frank Gratkowski, Ignaz Shick and was present on several festivals throughout Europe.
Antti Virtaranta is a bass player from Finland who is on a constant travelling, from one place to the next. As teenager he traveled to the USA where he started to play in a Math-Rock-Band then he studied jazz and found his place in free jazz and improvised music. Meanwhile he plays in Europe and Japan and performs often with artists and dancing performer like Zala Pezdir, Yuko Kaseki, Olli Orthuber, and with musicians like Tristan Honsinger, Elliot Levin, Axel Dörner, Silke Eberhardt, Ignaz Schick.
Rob Mazurek - piccolo trumpet, vocals, electronics
Gabriele Mitelli - piccolo trumpet, vocals, electronics
"I'm looking forward to introduce this duo in our series: Rob Mazurek and Gabriele Mitelli are playing together as a duo since a couple of years: Two multi instrumentalists of different generations, both into free improvisation and avant-garde jazz, both connecting acoustic and electronic sounds. Gabriele Mitelli belongs to the young generation of Italien musicians, convincing internationally on cornet, trumpet, with vocals and electronics. As restless promoter and organizer in Italy he unites musicians from the creative music scenes. Rob Mazurek (trumpet, vocals, electronics) on the other side is an important figure of the Chicago's free jazz and improvisation world(s). Mazurek is working since the 90ties with acoustic and electronic produced sounds and has founded back then the Chicago Underground Collective. Later the Exploding Star Orchestra followed in which he involved musicians from the diverse Chicago music scenes featuring also many US musicians which are well known here as well."
Curated by Corinne Studer
Rob Mazurek, born in New Jersey (US), trumpetist using also vocals and electronics, composer and visual artist. He is a musician in the field of free improvisation and avant-garde jazz. He lived and worked in Chicago where he formed different ensembles from the Chicago Unterground Collective to the Exploding Star Orchestra. He also spend several years working and living in Brasil. He plays/ed with Jeff Parker, Chad Taylor, Jim O'Rourke, Roscoe Mitchell, Mauricio Takara, Guilherme Granado, Fred Anderson, Pharoah Sanders, Naná Vasconcelos, Hamid Drake, Nicole Mitchell, Lisa Alvarado, Els Vandeweyer, Magda Mayas to name a view.
Gabriele Mitelli, from Brescia (IT), plays different wind instruments, and also uses vocals and electronics. As musician his active in the field of free improvisation and avant-garde jazz. He founded the European Galactic Orchestra and plays/ed with Mats Gustafsson, Anna Högberg, Mette Rasmussen, Wayne Horvitz, Susanna Santos Silva, Elio Martusciello, Tobias Delius, Cristiano Calcagnile, Nino Locatelli, Jeff Parker, Chad Taylor, Ken Vandermark, John Edwards, Mark Sanders, Pasquale Mirra, Gianluca Petrella to name a view. As a promoter he is involved in the Ground Music Festival, and founded the Brescia Arts Observatory.
* tba *
Axel Dörner - trumpet
Tomaž Grom - double bass, electronics
"Im Rahmen meines Südosteuropa-Schwerpunkts habe ich das Duo des slowenischen Kontrabassisten Tomaž Grom mit dem deutschen Trompeter Axel Dörner eingeladen.
2023 durfte ich Grom als Mitglied der zweiten Ausgabe des „Šalter Ensembles“ besser kennen und schätzen lernen. Freigeistig wie auch kompromisslos in seinem künstlerischen Schaffen, zählt er sicher zu den Schlüsselfiguren der bemerkenswerten Kunstszene von Ljubljana.
Risikoreich und radikal könnte man auch Axel Dörner's Zugang beschreiben, der auf Grundlage des zeitgenössischen Jazz eine einzigartige Klangsprache auf seinem Instrument entwickelt hat. Beide Musiker haben einen eigenwilligen Stil entwickelt.
Im Duo arbeiten sie mit individuellen Spieltechniken und diversen Mitteln der Erweiterung wie auch Zersetzung des Klangpotentials ihrer Instrumente: Radikal, riskant, aber immer authentisch. Das Duo Dörner/Grom wird erstmals in Wien zu hören sein!"
Kuratiert von Elisabeth Harnik
"As part of my focus on Southeast Europe, I invited the duo of Slovenian double bassist Tomaž Grom and German trumpeter Axel Dörner.
In 2023, I was able to get to know better and appreciate Grom as a member of the second edition of the "Šalter Ensemble". Free-spirited and uncompromising in his artistic work, he is certainly one of the key figures in Ljubljana's remarkable art scene.
Axel Dörner's approach could also be described as risky and radical, he has developed a unique sound language on his instrument based on contemporary jazz. Both musicians have developed an idiosyncratic style.
As a duo, they work with individual playing techniques and various means of expanding as well as decomposing the sound potential of their instruments: radical, risky, but always authentic.
Dörner/Grom duo will be performing in Vienna for the first time!"
Curated by Elisabeth Harnik
Axel Dörner, trumpet player (firebird trumpet) and composer from Berlin. He is active as soloist, in orchestras and together with musicians in the field of contemporary free jazz, electronic music and improvisation. He plays/played with Hamid Drake, Ken Vandermark, Michael Zerang, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Phil Minton, John Butcher,Thomas Lehn, Alexander von Schlippenbach, Andrea Neumann, Robin Hayward, Annette Krebs, Chtistian Lillinger, Jan Roder and Tristan Honsinger, Joel Grip, Martin Brandlmayr, Otomo Yoshihide and many more.
Tomaž Grom, double bass player from Slovenia, performs at festivals across Europe and North America and has composed music for numerous theaters, contemporary dance, puppet performances and movies.
As a musician he mainly works in the field of improvised music. He curates the music festival Sound Disobedience and various concert series.
Mona Matbou Riahi - clarinet
Camila Nebbia - saxophone
"Ich habe mit Camila Nebbia erstmals beim Jazz Festival Melting Pot 2023 gespielt und empfand sofort eine tiefe musikalischen Verbindung, die sich anfühlte, als ob sie seit Jahren existiert hätte. Camila Nebbia stammt aus Argentinien und ist eine unglaublich talentierte und kraftvolle Saxophonistin die im kreativen freien Jazz und Improvisation aktiv ist. Ich freue mich darauf, die musikalischen Möglichkeiten zu erkunden, die unsere Verbindung mit sich bringt und sie mit dem Publikum zu teilen!"
Kuratiert von Mona Matbou Riahi
"I played with Camila Nebbia for the first time at the Jazz Festival Melting Pot 2023 and felt instantly a deep musical connection as if it would have been there since years. Camila Nebbia grew up in Argentina and is an extraordinary talented and powerful saxophon player, active in creative free jazz and improvisation. I am looking forward to explore the musical possibilities of our new Duo and to share it with the audience!"
Curated by Mona Matbou Riahi
Mona Matbou Riahi, (IR), lives in Vienna, clarinetist, composer and concert curator. In her music she is focusing on combining contemporary and classical musical elements as well as improvisation and new experimental techniques. As an improviser she plays solo and in many different formations for example with Anthony Braxton, Anil Eraslan, Anja Lechner, Lukas Kranzelbinder, Manu Mayr, Golfam Khayam, Alexander Yanillos, Philip Kienberger, Golnar Shayar, François Couturier, Simon Stockhausen, Dave Smith, Burkhard Stangl, We Wei.She played on many international jazz festivals and was awarded several times. She is also an active member of Trickster Orchestra, and in former years of ORF Radio Symphonie Orchester, Morgenland Chamber Orchestra, Max Steiner Orchestra, Tehran Symphony Orchestra. Mona Matbou Riahi is also curator of the concert series DE/ensemble in Vienna.
Camilia Nebbia, (AG), lives in Berlin and is a saxophonist, composer, teacher and concert curator. She is performing as soloist and with many muscians from Argentinia and Europe, mainly as improviser in the field of creative, free jazz and free improvisation scene. She played/s with Valentin Garvie, El devenir del río, Burka, Paula Shocron, Barbara Togander, Patrick Shiroishi, Paul Pignon, Vinnie Sperrazza, Katt Hernandez, Kenneth Jimenez, Lesley Mok, Violeta García, Axel Filip, Susana Santos Silva, Tom Rainey, Elsa Bergman, l’Arfi collective of Lyon, Joanna Mattrey, Micheal Formaneck and many others. Camilia Nebbia curates also different series with improvised music.
Check for updates here or via newsletter!
Programme archive 2022/2023/2024
Photo gallery 2022/2023/2024
curated by a team of
renowned musicians & the initiator of the series